Prohm Kel Temple is located in Cheung Tien Village of Oddar Meanchey Province, approximately 35 km from Samrong City and about 700 meters north of the largest ancient bridge in Cambodia, Spean Toap. The temple was listed in French research documents more than a hundred years ago.
Prohm Kel Temple was built on flat land near an ancient road from Angkor to Phimai, a single temple with a tower facing east. It is one of the many “Firehouse” that was a feature along the ancient Royal Road network. It’s constructed completely of laterite with sandstone embellishments. Curiously, this one has windows on its southern side but not on its northern side. It is considered to have been built during the reign of King Jayavarman VII in the late 12th and early 13th centuries as a Bayon-style temple.
Nearby there are two basins and the bridges of Spean Toap, Spean Tbong and Spean Memay.
Site Info
- Site Name: Prohm Kel (Pr.) Khmer Name: បា្រសាទព្រហ្មកិល
- Reference ID: HA11869 | Last Update: January 10th, 2022
- Other Names: ប្រាសាទព្រហ្មកិល
- Tags/Group: 12th to 13th century, Ancient Royal Road, Firehouse (Dharmasala/Vahni-griha), nwgc, pr, Royal Road Angkor Phimai, Temples
- Location: Oddar Meanchey Province > Chong Kal District > Cheung Tien Commune > Srae Prang Village
- MoCFA ID: 586
- IK Number: 721
- Credits: មន្ទីរទេសចរណ៍ ខេត្តឧត្តរមានជ័យ