Located on the site of Reangsei Pagoda, a ruinous east-facing small brick temple with inscribed sandstone doorframes (K # unknown). Several remnants are seen around the doorway including colonette and other carved pieces.
There is a contemporary pagoda immediately east and a large basin.
*Important: mapped location may only be approximated to the district level/village only. To visit sites outside the tourist zones you should seek a local guide from the area read more.
Site Info
- Site Name: Prasat (V.) Khmer Name: វត្តបា្រសាទ
- Reference ID: HA12661 | Last Update: July 17th, 2021
- Other Names: Kalong, Reangsei Pagoda, វត្តរង្សី, Reangsei Temple, ប្រាសាទរង្សី
- Tags/Group: Ancient Royal Road, Angkor, b, Damdaek, RN6 & Royal Road Angkor-Prasat Andet, Temples, Wat
- Location: Siem Reap Province > Chi Kraeng District > Ruessei Lok Commune > Samrong Kanhchaoch Village
- MoCFA ID: 1505
- IK Number: 208.03