Popel Temple

Located just north of the village of Trapeang Popel in Svay Leu district of Siem Reap, Prasat Popel is a group of three laterite temples, that was reported to have had a moat and basin in the east.

At the time of visiting, 01/23, the three towers are heavily overgrown although it’s still possible to make a way around the back and to the front of the trio to see the three intriguing lintels. A little hard to see with the overgrowth, but the construction style of the towers themselves also appears quite unique.

Note: the trail to the site comes off the back of the village chief’s house and through a field (ask permission first). There may be another longer trail that comes to the site from its north side.


*Important: mapped location may only be approximated to the district level/village only. To visit sites outside the tourist zones you should seek a local guide from the area read more.

Site Info

Rodney Charles LHuillier

Living in Asia for over a decade and now residing in beautiful Siem Reap - Contact via [email protected] - more..

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