Phnom Cheung Prei Temple

Also recorded as Phnom Thom by Lunet de Lajonquiere a name which seems to have been dropped in favor of the name of the mountain the temple resides on which is also the name of the district, Cheung Prei.

The mountain area was developed into a kind of Buddhist-themed destination for tourists with a new prasat built on the lower southwest side surrounded by stalls, at the base of the stairs leading up to the top from the southern side there is a cluster of shrines where people can pray and leave donations.

Heading up the moderate flight of stairs you’ll reach the temple site which some will like and some may not. It’s actually in good condition and seemingly well cared for, yet it’s had lots of modern paraphernalia added around it that perhaps distracts from its ancient appeal.

The original layout consisted of an outer enclosure wall with a peristyle gallery on the north and south, with a chambered entrance gopura on the west. The central laterite temple, square, with a chamber and entrances on the east and west side, the east side was preceded by a peristyle brick forebody. There is a separate small square laterite chamber immediately to the south and opening to the east. There may have been another small construction against the east wall, opening to west according to Lunet de Lajonquiere’s plan of the site.

There are several lintels of differing styles to be seen at the site

And numerous pedestals and remains, two of the pedestals, one hidden by a wagon wheel, are decorated.


*Important: mapped location may only be approximated to the district level/village only. To visit sites outside the tourist zones you should seek a local guide from the area read more.

Site Info

Rodney Charles LHuillier

Living in Asia for over a decade and now residing in beautiful Siem Reap - Contact via [email protected] - more..

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