Located on monastery grounds are the remains of the central temple of what was originally a group of three brick temples with an outer laterite enclosure wall and entrance on the east. The remaining brick temple has been given an elaborate sheltering structure in recent times which is interesting in itself, enshrining the shrine. Around the outer wall of the new development, you can see remnants of the original laterite wall with the new entrance pavilion opening on the east.

Through the new pavilion and you can see the lintel supported by decorated octagonal columns, also lovingly adorned with party lights, and featuring Indra on his elephant, Airvata.

The doorway to the central temple is closed but contains Buddha statues of recent times including 2 reclining Buddhas and 3 seated Buddhas in emerald and marble (?).

Around the temple, you can see more remnants including a sema stone, what’s possibly a crown piece of the tower, pedestals, statue remnants, and the twelve animal characters have been added around the false doors of the brick temple.

Site Info
- Site Name: Kuk Ampil Thvear (Pr.) Khmer Name: បា្រសាទគុកអំពិលទ្វារ
- Reference ID: HA11445 | Last Update: February 8th, 2023
- Other Names: Prasat Chey Monkul
- Tags/Group: pa, pr, rc, T4, Temples
- Location: Kampong Cham Province > Cheung Prey District > Sampong Chey Commune > Kâkoh Village
- MoCFA ID: 134
- IK Number: 95