Kong Pluk Temple

Also known as Kong Phlouk Temple. It is an unusual site (for the Angkor area), featuring a stepped laterite pyramid, and not to be missed on an excursion to Beng Mealea.

Built upon a stepped laterite rise and surrounded by an outer laterite wall with gopura (gate) at each cardinal point, the central shrine consists of a pyramid of laterite that features a staircase aligned to each entry gopura.


The pyramid is approx. 20 m x 20 m around its base and several meters high in a good state of preservation bar extensive damage the eastern side and whatever may have been at its core or even atop the structure.

The north gopura meets with an elevated and columned causeway that leads to a massive terrace formed of sandstone with laterite base. By rough estimate, the terrace is perhaps 60 m at its widest point and 80 m long including the elevated platform. The terrace drops off at its northern end where it would have met the waters of the Beng Mealea’s baray (lake), also named by the French as Rahal Baray, or perhaps an outlet of the baray given its location right at the southeastern edge.


On the terrace itself there is another low stepped rise which would have perhaps been the balan but for what I do not know, but a statue could be assumed.

At the corners of the terrace were grand lions, one amazing example, albeit defaced, stands on the eastern side of the terrace. Another fallen lion can be seen near the causeway entrance onto the terrace.

Nearby is Prasat Chrey, Batang (terrace of Prasat Chrey), Veal Phtei, Terrace Rahal, and of course, Beng Mealea.


*Important: mapped location may only be approximated to the district level/village only. To visit sites outside the tourist zones you should seek a local guide from the area read more.

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Rodney Charles LHuillier

Living in Asia for over a decade and now residing in beautiful Siem Reap - Contact via rod@helloangkor.com - more..

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