Kok Romiet Temple

Located 1 km to the west-northwest of Wat Kok Romiet, the square brick prasat opens to the east with a sandstone doorframe and around its sides, no false doors but there are emphasized pilasters. It was not tall by appearances, a few meters high and the next level tapering in size although today, it’s in ruin. Its sandstone doorframe is uncarved and is repeated by another doorframe of sandstone that reduces in size, also uncarved.

The site appears to have been surrounded by a moat, and there are traces of what may be an outer brick wall. Nearby a creek runs by although who knows if that existed in ancient times.


*Important: mapped location may only be approximated to the district level/village only. To visit sites outside the tourist zones you should seek a local guide from the area read more.

Site Info

Rodney Charles LHuillier

Living in Asia for over a decade and now residing in beautiful Siem Reap - Contact via rod@helloangkor.com - more..

Hello Angkor