Located just north of NR6 in Chikreng district of Siem Reap province, the site was once the location of an ancient brick temple. According to historical reports, the site featured a brick temple, opening to the east with a sandstone doorframe and decorated round door columns. A lintel, grinding stone, and pedestal were recovered from the site along with an inscription registered under K. 818. The site today is occupied by several funerary mounds and no remains are visible above ground bar random bricks.

To the west of the site is Khlang Beng Pagoda (វត្តឃ្លាំងបេង).
Historical Images (property EFEO)

- K. 818 – 15 lines of Khmer – IC VI, p. 65
The Prását Khlån is a brick tower located in the province of Čikrèn, 300 meters north of the road from Kompon Thom to Siem Reap. The south jamb of the entrance door bears the remains of a 15-line Khmer inscription in pre-Angkorian characters with very long downstrokes, covering an area of about 0 m. 80 high by 0 m. 65 wide.
The first nine lines contained the device of a foundation in favor of the god Bhadrecvara and ended with an imprecation. The next six relate to another foundation in favor of a god, the resources of which were pooled with those of the god of the first part of the inscription.
Inscriptions du Cambodge VI, G Coedes
Site Info
- Site Name: Khleang (Pr.) Khmer Name: បា្រសាទឃ្លាំង
- Reference ID: HA12281 | Last Update: March 1st, 2023
- Tags/Group: Ancient Royal Road, e, pr, RN6 & Royal Road Angkor-Prasat Andet, Temples
- Location: Siem Reap Province > Chi Kraeng District > Lveang Russei Commune > Ta Nguon Village
- MoCFA ID: 1171
- IK Number: 203.01
- Inscription Number/s: K. 818