Kap Kong Temple

Locate immediately north of Road 56 and 8km or so west of Samrong, Prasat Kap Kong is a large mound surrounded by a moat with access on the east. What remains of the actual temple is a large by oddly fascinating laterite base platform. Sandstone fragments can be seen here and there. It’s also a nice rest stop, with a table and chairs, shade, and even a swing!

Historical Notes

Translated from French, Iventaire descriptif Monuments du Cambodge, E. Lajonquiere, 1901-

Prasat Kap Kong. It is located 10 kilometers to the west of Samrong, the current capital of Chongkal province. It is a mound surrounded by a ditch-basin interrupted by a roadway to the east. There is a limonite base raised in its middle part and obviously prepared to serve as a base for a group of sanctuaries arranged on a north-south. line, but which were not built.

There are, however, large sandstone pedestals, a linga stone and a half-life-size statue head. on the head of which a cylindrical bump is surrounded, at the base. by a rim pierced with deep holes which appear to have been used to attach a goldsmith’s tiara.


*Important: mapped location may only be approximated to the district level/village only. To visit sites outside the tourist zones you should seek a local guide from the area read more.

Site Info

Rodney Charles LHuillier

Living in Asia for over a decade and now residing in beautiful Siem Reap - Contact via [email protected] - more..

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