Also recorded as Chekbor Temple, here surrounded by a moat and located atop a slightly risen mound are the remains of three brick temples. Two the north tower and central tower are mostly standing while only the doorframe remains of the south tower.

Artwork on the site is seen on the sandstone embellishments

Numerous remains including pedestals and crown pieces are seen around the site

There appears to be a risen causeway leading east from the three temples and the site is fronted by a large berm running north-south on the east side

The site can be reached from Samroang by following the sealed road directly south of the city center for about 15 km to the small village of Chhouk, where a dirt road south, then east, then south, leads to the temple site. Around 1.5 km to the northwest is Ampil Temple.
Site Info
- Site Name: Chey Kbo (Pr.) Khmer Name: បា្រសាទជ័យក្បូរ
- Reference ID: HA11880 | Last Update: February 24th, 2022
- Other Names: Chekbor Temple, ប្រាសាទចេក្បូរ, Prasat Chekbo, Chhay Kabur, Chhuk
- Tags/Group: pr, ra, T4, Temples
- Location: Oddar Meanchey Province > Chong Kal District > Krasang Commune > Chhouk Thmei / Chey Kbo Village
- MoCFA ID: 597
- IK Number: 734