Chau Srei Vibol

Chau Srei Vibol (Khmer: ប្រាសាទ​ចៅ​ស្រី​វិបុល) is located around 40mins from Siem Reap and is rarely visited offering a remote temple away from the crowds. It may also be referred to as Chaw Srei Vibol.

Chau Srei Vibol is surrounded by a moat 1500 m long east-west by 1050 m long north-south and is situated on a natural hill about 20 m high. At the foot of the hill, there is a laterite wall still standing in places with gates (gopura) at each cardinal point.

The gates are mostly in ruin although the east gate, the largest of all, is mostly standing and leads to a steep set of laterite steps leading up to the main temple site.

The temple at the top of the hill features a central shrine and two libraries inside an outer gallery enclosure with four gopuras (gates). The outer gallery and gopuras are mostly in ruin with some parts overtaken by trees adding to its charm.

While the main temple structure is on top of the hill, there is also a large structure and pond on the southern side at the base of the hill. It is still somewhat of a mystery as to what the function of this structure was.

The site was believed to be constructed in the 11-12th century.

Visiting Chau Srei Vibol

The site is located some 50 mins by tuk-tuk or motorbike and around 30-40 mins by car. The road is sealed bitumen all the way bar the last 1 km entry lane off the main road.

The ancient temple is located alongside an active pagoda which itself has a very beautiful contemporary shrine, there is another contemporary pagoda inside the walled area of the temple at the top of the hill site.

You can enter via the north wall gate or west wall gate although most will take the west entry up an easy set of stairs where you’ll first see a contemporary pagoda that features beautiful murals inside and then the main ancient temple. From there you can head down the stairs on the southern side to the lower structure and pond. There is also a path that leads inside the wall from the south gate to the east gate which is not to be missed for its ruinous charm and the intriguingly steep steps that lead upwards from it.

The eastern gate is also preceded by a causeway although there is not much to see.

Entry to the temple site is included in the Angkor Pass. You can spend around 40 mins here and the site is open from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.

Chau Sre Vibol temple layout

  1. west gate
  2. north gate
  3. east gate
  4. south gate
  5. lower temple/structure
  6. pond/basin
  7. main temple
  8. contemporary pagoda

Temple layout within the larger “citadel area”

Highlights Gallery

Entry Gates

Central shrine and two library buildings

Lower temple/structure

Contemporary pagoda at the hilltop

Opening hours: 7:30 am to 5:30 pm

Source &/or Image Credit: Hello Angkor


Site Info

Rodney Charles LHuillier

Living in Asia for over a decade and now residing in beautiful Siem Reap - Contact via [email protected] - more..

Hello Angkor