Located in Pring Thom Commune of Choam Khsan district, Prasat Chaeng Meng (also recorded as Prasat Chengmeng) is the remains of a partially standing small, square laterite temple. The temple featured a short hall or mandapa leading east with sandstone doorframes. Sandstone doorframes were also seen on the false doors of the other sides. Remains of “library” building in the southeast corner. Surrounded by an outer enclosure wall, also of laterite with a large (lengthwise) entrance gopura on the east that has been spectacularly overtaken by a tree.
*Important: mapped location may only be approximated to the district level/village only. To visit sites outside the tourist zones you should seek a local guide from the area read more.
Site Info
- Site Name: Chaeng Meng (Pr.) Khmer Name: បា្រសាទចែងមេង
- Reference ID: HA11911 | Last Update: January 14th, 2022
- Other Names: Prasat Chengmeng
- Tags/Group: 12th Century, Hospital Chapel, negt, pr, Pr. Khnar, rb, Temples
- Location: Preah Vihear Province > Choam Khsant District > Pring Thum Commune > Krâlapeas Village
- MoCFA ID: 628
- IK Number: 316