Located just west of Kulean in Preah Vihear province and north of the highway, Prasat Ba Thang is a group of three temples, built of sandstone and laterite that open to the east. The central tower is built of sandstone and may be rectangular with a forebody, reasonably complete, and built of sandstone while the shrines on either side are smaller and built of laterite with sandstone elements. The site is heavily overgrown at the time (01/23) and cannot tell you too much more. It appears it also had a moat.
From the trail leading to the site, there are also wonderful views across to southwest corner of Phnom Tbeng.

*Important: mapped location may only be approximated to the district level/village only. To visit sites outside the tourist zones you should seek a local guide from the area read more.
Site Info
- Site Name: Ba Thang (Pr.) Khmer Name: បា្រសាទបាថាង
- Reference ID: HA13877 | Posted: January 19, 2021 | Last Update: January 9th, 2023
- Tags/Group: pr, rc, T13, Temples
- Location: Preah Vihear Province > Kuleaen District > Kuleaen Tboung Commune > Kulen Tbong Village
- MoCFA ID: 3835