- Area: Siem Reap Province > Krong Siem Reab > Sangkat Kouk Chak
- | Type: Ancient Remains & Temples
Located just north of Bayon and featuring a monumental Buddha statue, it’s one of the many Buddhist terraces attributed to the post-Angkor period created using recycled masonry from prior ancient sites. It is a simple but large terrace, formed by a platform of laterite blocks recorded as 90 meters by 24 meters that rises around .5 m topped with an inner platform that reduces in size to 50 meters by 10 meters with a large monumental Buddha placed at its western end covered by a shelter that was renewed in recent times. Double sema stones, which are some of the largest seen in Angkor, are set at each cardinal point and each corner.

The sema stone on the northwest corner carries an inscription from the French era of discovery with a date of 1881 stamped in large characters while the sema at the center of the western end carries an inscription for which I cannot find a record at the moment.

At the western end of the site are the remains of a stepped laterite structure that is believed to have possibly been a chedi. Nothing remains to be seen atop the structure sadly. Several stone coffins, lion pedestals, and other remnants have been arranged at the western end of this structure and just nearby are two small reassembled stupas and two small sema stones.

Just north of the terrace, amongst the trees, are the remains of a side building constructed of laterite of which only a sandstone window frame and base foundation remain standing, see the historical images for more. Also surrounding this area is a vast array of sandstone pieces, some no doubt from Baphoun, some quite curious, especially the stumpy round columns.

Historical Images – Property of EFEO more at Fonds Cambodge

Stele and Inscription
A four-sided inscribed stele is associated with this site and registered under K. 289 providing three dates of 802, 1051 and 1056 AD. The inscription notes the victories of a general, or senapti, named Sangrama who was of service to king Udayadityavarman. It includes an important genealogy of kings and notes the foundation of a golden linga. It is believed that the stele may belong to Baphuon Temple. The inscription translation by M.A Barth was recorded in ISC, n° XVIII, p. 140.
Site Info
- Site Name: Angkor Thom - Preah Ngok Khmer Name: អង្គរធំ ព្រះងោក
- Reference ID: HA11662 | Last Update: February 7th, 2023
- Other Names: Prah Noc, Prea Ngouk, Wat Preah Ngok, វត្តព្រះនាង
- Tags/Group: Angkor, Angkor Thom, Buddhist Terrace, Temples
- Location: Siem Reap Province > Krong Siem Reab > Sangkat Kouk Chak
- MoCFA ID: 378
- IK Number: 479.02
- Inscription Number/s: K. 289